Discipline Used: Video and Creative Direction

I spent next six weeks ideating, designing, and producing a demonstration (“how-to”) video for social media showing a product or process from start to finish. I got some experience going through each phase of the video production process: 1. Pre-production, 2. Production, 3. Post-production, 4. Finishing
Creative Brief
Brand: Buick Regal
Brand: Buick Regal
Recently Buick has changed the physical appearance of their automobiles to attract younger consumers. People want to know what makes this Buick different from their grandparent’s Buick. Our main goal is to showcase how luxury can be the new cool. The functional benefits of reasons to buy a Buick, such as: the advanced technology, safety features and physical appearance, need to connect with the consumer. Buicks are physically elegant on the outside but are built for performance.
Deliverable: 30-second social media or television commercial and print/digital ads (magazines, billboards and social media)
Target Audience: Buick already has the older demographic and a reputation for quality and dependability. For this ad our target audience will be the Millennials and Gen Z generation. These two groups already perceive Buick as an old person’s brand or a car for older men.
Goals: My hope is to influence the target audience. Since Buick has the reputation dependability. The ad will use the authority mode on persuasion. To emotionally connect with the audience I will use text and visuals to showcase the emotional and functional benefits. Depending on how the ad is viewed there will be the option to for sound.
The how to video will be included in the ad as one of the car’s features. During the ad the actor will show how to connect your phone to the car’s bluetooth.
I really enjoyed doing this final project. My goal was to make it almost into a commercial. When I made my initial storyboard it was a commercial showing car features until I read, this is a “How To” video in the instructions. To keep the viewer’s interest, I added a few random shots on the car. I probably needed to add a few more. I use video and Premiere at work for projects but it’s not my strength. My biggest challenge was making the video 30 seconds. My video tutorial might be too fast. More challenges were shooting footage and finding ways to push the video. I used some movement techniques with sliding frames and text. To cut down time and fit everything within the time frame I used split screens. In the video I am actually giving a tutorial on two separate devices. That split screen really helped. Throughout this project I found ways to incorporate my strength, which is graphic design. I added graphics in the intro and lower thirds to make the video appealing to the younger audiences. In the final I also tried to experiment with a voice over. Overall, I liked how this video project turned out.
Visual Persuasion & Promotion (MPDC-610-101) from Georgetown University's Master's in Design Management & Communications